Media & Press

We love to share our privacy research and unique contributions to digital privacy. If you’re a member of the media please see press releases below or email Beth or Stephanie for our latest stories:,

Press releases

Kuva Privacy Press Release

Kuva Privacy Press Release

Digital Privacy and Security. Welcome to the Anti-Surveillance Economy Etic Lab LLP, a digital research and design company based in Mid-Wales, are proud to announce

In the news

Introducing Bivalve, Kuva for the arts

Introducing Bivalve, Kuva’s new brand for the arts. A privacy ecosystem that enables contemporary art professionals to opt out of the data collection economy.

Wales StartUp Awards

Kuva in Wales Startup Awards

Kuva has been shortlisted as one of the top new Welsh businesses for Fintech. The Wales Startup Awards, now in its sixth year, was implemented


We have a few variants of our logo you can download. There are different colours and file types available depending on your own needs.

To download any of the logos you can click on the links below the logo you want,  right mouse click and select “Save Image As…”

Colour on transparent

logo colour on transparent

Colour on transparent

logo colour glyph on transparent

Dark on transparent

logo dark on transparent

White on transparent

logo white on transparent

Image assets / screenshots

To download these images click with your right mouse on the image you want and select “Save Image As…”


To generate a badge for your website. Coming soon…